Uno de esos filmes clásicos en verdad, cine de culto valorado tan solo por unos cuantos aficionados, el ser una obra teóricamente menor de Ernest Schoedsack (creador de ese magnífico filme que es King Kong) no ha beneficiado mucho a esta película, de una hora y cuatro minutos de escasa, pero turbadora duración. Encontrarla hoy es casi imposible, desde que la edición que tuvimos en nuestro país por parte de Manga ha sido desctalogada, lo que aumenta su valor.
El cazador Robert Rainford (Joel McCrea) es parte de la tripulación de un barco que navega en alta mar. En cubierta, Bob y el capitán discuten sobre cazadores y cazados, sobre si es adecuado que el hombre mate por deporte a otras criaturas inferiores. Un naufragio pondrá a Bob, como único superiviente, en una isla de abundante vegetación, donde encuentra un castillo habitado por el conde Zaroff (Leslie Banks) un aristócrata ruso apartado de la sociedad, que vive con unos cuantos criados de aspecto grotesco y con dos hermanos, supervivientes de un anterior naufragio, el borrachuelo de Martin y su hermana Eve (Fray Way, mas tarde la hembra de King Kong). El conde tiene unos modales muy civilizados y acoge con hospitalidad a Bob, pero su comportamiento y su absoluta obsesión por un tipo de "caza mayor" del que habla más bien poco, pone nerviosos a sus invitados. Más tarde, Martin desaparece en compañía del conde para aparecer luego muerto de un flechazo, es entonces cuando el loco conde Zaroff revela su juego: es un cazador de presas humanas, suelta a los náufragos que llegan a su isla (gracias a trampas y falsas indicaciones marinas colocadas por él) con un día de ventaja, y luego les persigue implacablemente con su mosquete, su arco y sus flechas, Ahora, Zaroff espera que Bob, como reconocido cazador que es, se una a él en su próxima cacería. Bob, lógicamente, se niega en redondo a algo así, por lo que el conde decide cazarle a él, y le suelta junto a Eve en la selva. Si sobreviven sin ser atrapados durante un día, obtendrán la libertad...
Es increíble la poca popularidad de la que goza esta película, y al mismo tiempo, la cantidad de filmes posteriores que beben de ella. Su influencia está por todas partes, en esas películas donde el hombre no es la cima de la cadena alimentaria, ya se trate de animales (Tiburón) o personas que comen personas (La matanza de Texas). Tampoco es gratuito comparar al conde con un vampiro (atentos a la frase pronunciada por Martin "El conde duerme de día y caza de noche", pista importante). Estamos pues, ante un clásico del cine que la gente prefiere imitar a reivindicar, lo que dice no poco sobre esta obra maestra.
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Let's start in the past and work forward - seems to be fairly logical. Starting just before the Matt Busby era at United my first selection is Jack Rowley. He joined United before Busby came along. Though not the whole story, naturally a striker is measured to some extent by his goal tally. Rowley managed to net 211 times in 424 games for United before leaving the club in 1955. His tally of 211 makes him one of only 3 players to break the 200 mark. manchester united [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]manchesterunited[/url] With this as background, United is probably the more popular of the two Manchester football teams, wouldn’t you think? Such may not be the case as there has been a long-standing belief that Manchester City actually has more local fans than their more famous namesakes. A few years ago, a Manchester University research study discovered that Manchester United has 9,000 season ticket holders in the M postal area compared to Manchester City’s 7,000 season ticket holders. City fans quickly pointed out, though, that the research study was conducted before the City team moved to the larger City of Manchester stadium. As a result, no one is really sure which team is more popular among the locals. What is certain is that as far as nationwide and international support is concerned, United has a far larger fan base than City. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]vidic[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.
After that goal, there was no way back for Real Madrid. The team, already lackluster in the second half, didn’t fight anymore. In fact, Madrid was lucky the French didn’t score again, as the team had more opportunities at the end. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]real madrid oficial[/url] With this victory, Real Madrid is focusing on their next match against Osasuna, which will be held on May 2nd. During their last match on January 3rd, neither of the two could obtain the victory; the game ended 0-0. Now, this game will be key for both squads; the Whites would be closer to surpassing Barça to obtain the La Liga title, which they haven’t won in two seasons. On the other hand, Osasuna, which tied their last game against Athletic Bilbao, are trying to add a triumph and surpass Espanyol in the 11th place of the standings. If Osasuna end in 11th or 10th place this season, it will be the best position they have achieve in four seasons.
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